Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pan Obsessed

I don't know about anyone else, but as I peruse kitchen stores and cooking catalogs, I find myself drawn to the specialty baking pans. You know the ones. They're shaped like hearts and giant cupcakes and mini Bundt cakes and flowers and twinkies and all kinds of other fun and unique shapes. Shapes that almost make me giddy.

Back in the "old days", I would often justify a pan purchase as necessary for recipes that I was working on, either for cookbooks or magazine articles or a TV spot. This was definitely a win win for me, as I "needed" the pans for work. This was fine, for a while, until I could no longer fit them all in my tiny kitchen.

I realize that by saying collection, it probably sounds like I have hundreds of pans, which I definitely don't. But I do have lots of them, all stacked together in plastic storage tubs. As I took a few out last night to photograph, it got me wondering if others find themselves drawn to these pans too. Anyone else find the specialty cake pans irresistible?

Fortunately I haven't bought a new pan in quite some time. I think that I'm set for now. Unless of course I happen to spy something new, that would make the "perfect" dessert...


Andrea said...

I have quite a few "really cool" pans including an irresistible mini-doughnut pan, a heart shaped pan, perforated pans and a pan with little handles that I don't even know the name of!

aimee said...

I just said to a friend the other day "Do you think it's wrong that I read the Williams-Sonoma catalogue as if it were a magazine?" I grew up with a mother who couldn't say no to a kitchen toy and I have become her (albeit with a little more moderation and a little less money to spend)! My favorites are the cast iron cornbread pans that are shaped like ears of corn!

Sheree' said...

OH how I love shopping for new kitchen gagets and pans... so much fun!!! I have the same one as the one it the top left corner. love it love it love it

Veronica said...

I'm the same way! But it's harsh because I also have the hardest time finding excuses to shop, so I inevitably return 3 out of 4 things I buy. I've been known to carefully remove the packaging of nonstick pans in the case that I need to return an already used set.

Amy said...

I confess, I'm a little pan obsessed, but then I'm a little kitchen gadget obsessed in general. Sadly (or luckily maybe...for my wallet) we don't get too many fabulous pans over here. I'm very envious (in a good way) just looking at yours! It makes me want to go and bake cute things!

mysticxian said...

yes! yes! mini cupcake pans, mini bundt cake pans, 4 inch cake pans........I think I have an obsession with mini.....

Melisser; the Urban Housewife said...

Ooh, I love pans too, but I'm sure you have more than I.

Anonymous said...

I love unique cupcake pans, they have some pretty fun designs these days!

julie hasson said...

It's so fun to see others with the same pan passion!

Heather said...

If you can get to target they have a dinosaur pan and one with butterflies. My 4 year just cried her eyes out for the dinosaur pan. (she loves to cook and bake)

Mrs. Mandy said...

Oooh, I've got the pan obsession, too! I recently bought a pan that is supposed to be for candy, but I use to make mini tea cakes. Hearts and flowers and mini-bundts, oh my.

Great blog!